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Image by Kazuo ota

Healing meditative journey's

Healing meditative journey's

thank you for subscribing to my healing meditations.
my wish for you is that the love and light frequencies that radiate out from these healing journey's assist to you to heal at a deep level, so that you and your life may transform in the most beautiful and graceful of ways.

please find the meditations below.  if you have any feedback or suggestion's, i would love to hear it :)

all my love,
deb xoxo


This meditation guides you to connect your Pillar of Light through to the heart of the Earth, your energy centres/chakras through to the Great Central Sun.  It connects you to the light of the Earth and the light of the Great Central Sun and brings the light through you to clear, purify and cleanse your energy centres, pillar and energy field. 


Connecting to the Light daily can change your life over time as it absorbs negative thought-forms, feelings, memories, emotions and experiences.  This will create you to feel, receive and experience more self love, unconditional love from others, inner peace and harmony, stronger relationships, new relationships, synchronicities, increased self-respect, self-esteem and so much more. 


If you would like to read more please go here.


  I hope the love and healing light that emanates from beyond the words assists those parts of you that are in need of receiving unconditional love and acceptance.  

The journey takes around 23 minutes.  I would recommend that you have time to yourself for a while afterwards to allow for the integration to take place.


Our relationships generally reveal what is unhealed within us.  This meditation will support you to bring peace between you and another that you may have difficulties with.

You do not need to be in a relationship with that person now to heal the disharmony between you.  Even if the other has difficulty letting go of negative feelings, it is what you are doing, and what your intentions are that is most important.  

Holding onto to anger and resentments hooks into the karma with the other person and it cannot resolve fully.  This can leave you vulnerable to staying stuck in areas of your life and repeating patterns and exoperiences that do not serve you.

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